Family Coaching And Therapy Specialist
Family Addiction Specialist
Addiction Counselor & Clinical Hypnotherapist located in Brooklyn, NY & Manhattan, New York, NY
When someone goes through a challenging time in their life, it can affect everyone around them. When you or your loved one experience stress, anger, frustration, worry or a host of other negative emotions that can stem from family relationships and individual behaviors, the range of emotions and challenges that face the family become overwhelming. Lin Sternlicht, LMHC, MA, EdM, and Aaron Sternlicht, LMHC, CASAC, at Family Addiction Specialist offer Family Coaching and Therapy, a program that provides the personalized support and guidance individuals, couples, and family members desperately need. To learn more about the program, call the office in Manhattan and Brooklyn today.
Family Coaching and Therapy Q & A

When should I consider Family Coaching?
If you are considering family coaching, family therapy or couples counseling, there is probably good reason for it. Relationship conflicts and issues can develop for a variety of unique reasons such as communication problems, difficulty establishing healthy boundaries, resentment, infidelity or other betrayal, parenting problems, major life changes, behavioral issues in children or significant others, or an addiction such as to alcohol, drugs, sex, or video games, among a host of other issues.
When one member of the family or your significant other is experiencing a challenging time in their life, every family member suffers daily anxiety, fears, sadness, or frustration. Your life may adapt to the person’s behaviors and demands, while you stop caring for your own needs.
You may struggle with unresolved emotions about issues that occurred while your loved one abused drugs or alcohol or partook in addictive behaviors like gambling, sex addiction, porn addiction, or electronic addictions such as gaming addiction. You also need to learn about your role during recovery.
Couples Therapy can help partners be better equipped to cope with their loved one’s addictive behaviors or infidelity as well as help them set healthy boundaries and improve intimacy and connection. Family Therapy can help work through deep rooted family conflict or improve the family dynamic as well as parent-child communication and the overall family relationship.
If you struggle to cope with a family member’s behavior or you’re tired of conflict and challenges, it’s time to consider Family Coaching and Family Therapy.
What should I expect from Family Coaching?
Family Coaching and Family Therapy is individualized to meet each family’s or couple’s unique needs. You’ll find ways to care for your emotional and physical well-being while learning how to navigate life with your loved one(s).
Whether you’re interested in family coaching, family therapy, or couples counseling, your specialist will request that you begin with an initial assessment session either one-on-one, with you and your loved one(s) together, or a hybrid session of both. Thereafter your specialist will curate a customized treatment plan for you to meet your needs and goals.
Your specialist can help you work through your complex emotions and concerns, navigate transitions, improve communication and learn how to hold your family member accountable.
During Family Coaching, Lin and Aaron focus on issues such as:
- Education about addiction, mental health and recovery
- Providing insights into your role in the relationship dynamic
- Improving communication and family dynamics
- Coping strategies for challenges you are facing
- Stress reduction techniques
- Self-love and self-care
- Setting boundaries
- Working through guilt, shame, anger and embarrassment
- Detachment
- Codependency
- Family roles
- Providing insight into relationship dynamics and patterns
- Building a support system
Family Coaching and Family Therapy is an exceptional program offering personalized attention and support for family members going through conflict, crisis or addiction of a loved one. Family Addiction Specialist works with family members on a monthly basis for those interested in making lasting change, gaining meaningful support, or working through deep issues.
Do you provide couples therapy?
Whether you are interested in marriage counseling or couples counseling, couples therapy can help improve communication, discover root causes of conflict, restore intimacy, and promote self-awareness, self-growth, and acceptance. Couples counseling can also help work through painful issues such as infidelity, porn addiction, lying or separation. Family Addiction Specialist provides couples counseling and specializes in family systems theory, cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as discernment counseling. In working with couples, sex therapy can also be beneficial to help work through communication, feelings, and functioning surrounding sexual intimacy. When you first meet with your specialist they will evaluate your presenting concerns, discuss shared goals, and curate a customized treatment plan for you.
What other services are available during Family Coaching and Family Therapy?
Family Addiction Specialist provides supplemental treatments such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and meditation, among other holistic and spiritual treatment methods. Such treatments can help you cope with daily stress and be better equipped to work through family conflicts.
As nutritional coaches, your specialist can help to support your physical health throughout your engagement in services. They may help you develop a healthy eating plan or find ways to work activity into your life. As sleep experts, your specialist can help provide suggestions for better sleep routines and improve sleep quality. Such alternative methods of treatment are indispensable in improving your quality of life so that you can be your best self for you and your family.
If you struggle with painful feelings or hopelessness, or you need help learning to cope with a loved one’s addiction, Family Addiction Specialist offers coaching and support — even if your addicted loved one is in treatment elsewhere, is not currently in treatment, or is still abusing alcohol, drugs or their behavior of choice.
To find the support, education, and guidance your family needs to heal, call Family Addiction Specialist today.
What else should I know about Family Coaching and Family Therapy?
Family Coaching and Family Therapy are available in-person and through phone calls, Skype, Zoom and Facetime interactions. Your specialist will also provide you with text message and/or email check-ins and communications.
Currently Family Coaching and Family Therapy appointments are being held at the Family Addiction private and discreet office in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City. Additionally, Family Addiction Specialist offers virtual appointments as well as home and office visits. Your specialist will arrive at your home, meet with your family, review lifestyle and family dynamics, and be better equipped to provide the necessary recommendations to improve your wellbeing and presenting problems.
If you’re ready for Family Coaching, Family Therapy, or Couples Therapy call Family Addiction Specialist to set up an initial assessment and talk about your goals and recovery needs.
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